Saturday 17 October 2009

Why a positive outlook is essential...........

Our first rule must be belief in ourselves and what we are doing. Without this we have nothing to build upon. We must be positive.
That is our key..
Once we have found this within ourselves no one can touch us. We are all equipped with the tools required to accomplish anything that we choose. It may be that we choose to continue eating junk food and feeling like we wouldn't want to be us or we could use that energy to finally take control and responsibility for ourselves, reclaiming our power and using our inner wisdom to turn our lives around once and for all.
That's great isn't it? It is easy to say 'be positive' but how do we become positive in a negative environment? Well let's narrow it down a bit, forget the environment (for now that is) and consider yourself for a moment. One way, and you may scoff, is to use affirmations to re-establish your self worth (this is assuming you need a boost and let's face it, most of us do).
Try this one for size, or use your own....
'I deserve ultimate health and vitality and I am achieving this now'.
You can say this out loud to yourself in the mirror as many times as you like or if you feel self conscious you can re-affirm this with your inner voice during quiet times of the day.
We do know that every action we make was once a thought, therefore it stands to reason that what we think manifests in our reality, so why waste this power? This gives us infinite possibilities.
We use the same amount of energy whether we think positively or negatively, so surely it is obvious that by affirming the positive in our lives we can manifest whatever we wish. As I said earlier, every thing we need is within us or can come to us. How often have you heard someone say 'they brought it upon themself!'
So, our first lesson concludes here with the affirmation 'I BELIEVE'. As it happens this is also the key words for all those Aquarians out there! Next time we will talk about food and the effect (apart from the obvious!!) it has on us, nutritionally, emotionally, physically and sexually. Chocolate is, for me, the drug of choice, along, of course with coffee, so what a great place to begin. This also leads me to mention a great foodie buddie of mine who happens to have a great voice too. Check out her 'all things vintage' blog at You will love it!

Friday 16 October 2009


I have been thinking all week of the format that I am hoping that my blog will take.

Initially I wanted to include everything in one go, (impulsive nature creeping in again!) but having thought abit more about it I decided to cover one area at a time with a snippet of stuff from other areas, like an herb of the blog plus whether the moon is waxing or waning and whether you need to eat a dark chocolate brownie whilst standing on your head or feet? Obviously the most important part being the chocolate!!!!

I want to ramble on about why I believe these areas of well-being pay an integral part of our quest for the ultimate being.

There is nothing new here, apart from my strong belief and commitment to pass on the stuff that I have learnt over the years!!

It is possible to achieve fantastic health and with this 'being-well' attitude will come a burst of energy that you only remember from childhood, great agility, suddenly you will be able to bend down quickly to pick up that pen rolling away from you! To achieve balance in your life is the desired state whereby all else will slot nicely into place.

Common belief of 'being on the up' is a good thing but when we are talking of the yo-yo dieting syndrome it is definately a no-no., agility and positivity will be yours. Yes! With a boost to your ego and self esteem you will re-discover a positive vibe which may well have been buried under a mound of toxic waste that has been clogging up your creativity.

Next we will look at this positive outlook and discuss why it is so important to our being.

Friday 9 October 2009

Who is this witchy woman?

Welcome to the world of wellness, witchy stuff and hopefully some wisdom along the way!!

The information presented herein by The Wellness Witchy is intended for recreational and educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FSA or any other official body and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent dis-ease. Individual results may vary and it is advisable to consult with your G.P before using any supplements or herbal remedies. That said, I hope you will find this fun and informative!
When I was little I had 4 things I wanted to do when I became big. They included being an air hostess, an actress, social worker or a journalist.

Then I grew up. (to some degree, although I am still hobbit-like, without the hairy feet). One of the first books that I bought that started my life long passion was entitled 'Is there a book inside you?' Well, yes there most certainly was, and finally here is where it may finally be born!!

Of course being an impulsive soul I wanted to research, write and publish my book all within 3 weeks. Eagerly following my first lesson it told me that in the first instance I needed to write about something that I knew about. Here also came my first experience of writers' block!! I was 15 years old for goodness sake, I didn't know about anything!!! So, here we are, finally, over 30 years later and I can finally get past go..........just! Whether what I now know is correct, well that is up for debate, but I can assure you it was correct at going to press!!

I have taken over 30 years to research my subject matter. I have fridge tested probably every weight loss idea going and still I am not skinny, honest but not skinny, but along the way I have devoured with relish all the information available on well-being and I have regurgitated the ineffective and digested the tasty bits. As an Holistic Therapist and through my studies in Herbalism and a devout foodist I have a strong theory on how we can achieve fantastic health. My ten pronged approach will provide all the tools necessary to achieve this......holistically.

I have taken the best from the rest, added my own spoonful of wisdom and boiled it all up in my witchy cauldron! No rats included!

We have all heard of the journeying books that reveal mystical secrets about our inner selves, or which planet we are on at any one time in our lives, or just how to look like the airbrushed models that we see every Sunday in our shiny paper supplements. There is no mystery, it is basic common sense combined with helpful hints and tips to make you feel as special as you are. Hopefully, you will gain more real knowledge of the wacky kind from my ramblings and finally wellness will be yours for the taking.

So again, I welcome you to my world where, together, we can explore, discuss, dissect and completely blow out the water, myths, truths and downright lies about the world of wellness, diet, nutrition and anything else that may crop up along the way.

Bon Appetite!